Access and use of mass media by small-scale farmers in accessing agricultural information for poverty alleviation in Tanzania: a case study of Kilombero district
Access and use of mass media by small-scale farmers in accessing agricultural information for poverty alleviation in Tanzania: a case study of Kilombero district
Bernard, R.T. & Frankwell W. Dulle
This paper reports the findings of a study that assessed the accessibility and use of mass media by small-scale farmers in accessing agricultural information for poverty alleviation in Tanzania. The study was carried out in six purposively selected villages in Kilombero district, Morogoro region. The study used a sample size of 120 respondents. It employed a case study research design and a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Data were collected using documentary review, questionnaires, focus group discussions and observations. Quantitative data were analysed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.1 whereas qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. The results of the study show that radio was the most widely used information channel compared to television and newspapers in the study area. Generally, the agricultural information received by respondents through radio was relevant to their farm activities. Moreover, the agricultural information received by the respondents through television and newspapers was only partially relevant to their farming activities. The study findings also established that the barriers to accessing agricultural information through mass media in the study area were associated with poor power supply, poor signals, high cost of purchasing mass media sources, and inadequate feedback mechanism. Therefore, it is recommended that the government should support rural electrification and improve transport system so that modern agricultural mass media sources/facilitates can be more widely available and used in these areas than presently.
Key words: Small-scale farmers, Mass Media, Information, Poverty Alleviation
Proceedings of The 1st COTUL Scientific Conference Held On 25th – 28th November 2014